One of the many home project going on is the remodel of my bathroom. Without going into TOO much detail, which would be boring and not interesting, the builder of our home did not prepare the walls correctly and then applied wallpaper to them without trying to do it right. This left the walls needing to be completely covered in mud and consequently needing every inch to be sanded. Just to give you an idea of the endeavor the room is big enough to house a family in a 3rd world country and the ceilings have a gorgeous 13 foot vault. As I was on the ladder sanding and shop vac-ing the dust, my son tried to yell something at me. At first all I heard over the noise was, "blah blah bla blabitty blah blee." So I turned off the shop vac and asked what he was saying. It was really confusing at first because he was asking about numbers and something about a cup. The It dawned on me that it was Monday. Monday was the day the museum was drawing the deeds to the "Forever Cup" we saw last week. When my son was getting a drink (in a cup, hahaha) the museum called and was leaving a message that he was drawn to be a recipient of a Forever Cup! I was shocked but shouldn't have been because I had been praying that he win a cup. I am very thankful that he was privileged enough to be entrusted with a valuable piece of art. Here is a link for the Forever project: http://www.nelson-atkins.org/art/Exhibitions/twomey/index.cfm
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