My biggest challenge in homeschooling (other than keeping the kids from fighting and being interested in the lessons) is to keep up with the housework and do school at the same time. A couple weeks ago our washer blinked the dreaded "F1" code. Full of wet clothes it screamed to me every minute to come figure out what was wrong. Using my trusted assistant, Google, I discovered that the "F1" code ailing the washer meant that a fatal motherboard malfunction was
occurring. No worries, since this is something going wrong with a lot of washers of the same production date it would be covered by the manufacturer despite being out of the warranty period.
WOOHOO!!! The one problem...they couldn't come to fix it for 2 weeks. As I continued to climb the ever growing Mt.
Dirtylaundycan'tgetdone to get in and out of the bathroom I realized that doing laundry was one of my favorite chores!! However, cleaning the kitchen isn't a favorite. BUT as long as I wasn't doing laundry the kitchen was clean. WOW, what a discovery. I had not realized how much easier it had become to keep the entire 1st floor of our house clean as long as there was not laundry to clutter up various rooms of the house. The second story is a beast all of it's own. Dirty laundry is spilling from every corner available (except the school room). The good news? Today is the day the repair man came. It was such a blessing to see his truck and he even bent over to pick up a package on my doorstep to hand to me. What a gentleman!! After he fixed the washer free of charge he looked at the dryer and fridge (also experiencing minor illnesses) to tell me what was ailing them and how to fix them myself. This will save us about $300 and my little universe of clean laundry will be in order again. Tomorrow will include may hours or washing, drying, and folding. Not to mention many gallons of water, bottle of detergent, and a box of fabric softener sheets. I can already smell the intoxicating scent of clean laundry. Now, how do I do mounds of laundry and school at the same time? Easy
peasy lemon
squeezy! When I am teaching the washer and dryer will be working. When the kids are doing paper work I will be folding and hanging. I think that is why laundry is my favorite chore: I can do it with the kids close, the timing is about the same as a lesson, and it is easy to do while doing school...and it smells
soooooo good!! I still don't know how to manage the rest of the cleaning while doing school but I am sure I will figure it out in the next 12 years and if I don't the kids will move out and I will be able to focus only on the cleaning.
Lesson learned: I can't do it all, the kids need to start doing "Proper care and
maintenance of the home" (chores) again.
Summary of School Work:
Bible: Book on Noah's Flood
History: Vocabulary words and important people review
Vocab: Word Stories
Creative Writing:
Setting-create 5 settings for your book
English: Using senses to describe
Science: None-ran out of time
Math: "big" division