Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Grade Algebra Help (easily trasformable for higher grades)

Yesterday we had tears, frustration, and discouragement for both child and mom over simple algebra.  Algebra questions like 3+c=9 were confusing.  Because it was a new concept I expected a little bump in the road.  I did not expect the all out "war" that ensued over making blocks match or dividing numbers into 10+7=17 just like 8+9=17. It just seemed like too much too fast.  As a result, we prayed.  My son prayed for my daughter's day and unprompted, remembering yesterday, he prayed about her math.  When she prayed for him she was smiling because she knew his prayers would be answered.  As we began math, my prayer was simple..."Help me to find a way to teach her so she will have fun, enjoy math, and learn this concept." We started off with drills and I was happy to take the easy out and have her drill her entire math time because if she just memorizes the problems then she can fill in the blank.  BUT, I have always believed it is best to understand the concept behind the math and to learn it early is best.  She did a couple rounds of drills and asked for a break.  I was not about to let her go after 15 minutes of math so I gave her a choice. She could A) Keep doing drills OR B) Take another go at algebra.  To my shock she picked algebra!! Again I asked God for help.  Then the answer came.  It was so easy and I knew it would work.  Dominoes...

Here is the process:
1) Put all dominoes face down on the table
2) Have him/her randomly pick one (this makes the domino the "bad guy" instead of me)
3) The low number on the domino goes in front of the equal sign and the high number goes after the equal sign
4) Solve for "x" (or y, c, d, s, whatever letter you choose)

The dots help save me a lot of time drawing them and they help eliminate mistakes in counting/drawing when he/she is working alone.

1) Make it harder by drawing 2 or 4 tiles and put the larger number after the equal and the smaller number before. You can also reverse the tiles and do subtraction.

2) Draw 2 dominoes and and put the 2 numbers of one on top and the numbers on the second on the bottom and add (ie: 42+65=X) and for subtraction put the higher number on top and the lower on the bottom (ie: 65-42=X)

3) Use the numbers on the dominoes for random multiplication (ie: domino with 2 and 4 can be 2x4 or 6 x (other domino).

Have fun with it and see what domino games you can come up with!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Putting it on the Line

It has been a while since I made a post (as if anyone actually follows this or cares).  Blogging about the monotonous nature of homeschooling or as a way to keep records was too insignificant.  In the past months I have been searching for purpose, redefinition of reasons for homeschool, determination of Biblical guidance, promise/desire of God for us to be homeschooling, and appropriate materials to meet the educational needs of the children in all areas of study including the use of classes at our homeschooling school or public school (I know...seems like a contradiction). 

I hope to soon be able to share how God has used *this situation for us to continue homeschooling at a level higher than I even imagined. I also pray that as I blog on homeschooling that I can bring hope, encouragement, and ideas to other moms in how to deal with our SEEMINGLY insignificant duties.  The reality of the situation is that we are doing very significant things in the development of future generations.  We are the building blocks for future productive members of society.  What is required for us to "measure up"?

*this situation-to be shared (or not shared) at a later time as God will determine

Friday, February 11, 2011

History: listen to audio recordings
English: Wordsmith pages 1-3
Vocab: Level E pages 53-55
Creative Writing: Good Times-Happy as a clam

Math: Tests 6, 7, 8
Literature: Complete Tom Sawyer activities

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bible: video
History: Ancient Civ-listen to the first 3 soundtracks for the chapter
Science: Rube Goldberg construction-Mythbusters
English/Literature: Tom Sawyer study guide, and lap book.
Math: 9 B, D, & E

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This was one of those mornings that I want to capture in my heart and never forget.  It reminded me of the days when my Grandmother would read to me at nap time and lie down with me until I fell asleep.  My Little Man was working on his Bible study and my Little Bit was in my lap and I was teaching her to read.  It was a warm, comfortable setting-like wearing a pair of slippers under a blankie in front of the fire drinking hot cocoa.  These children are both so special and gifted in their own way.  It is a true blessing to be a part of these learning experience and to see them "grow into their skin". 

Bible: It All Begins With Genesis-Continue breaking down Genesis 1/Inductive Reasoning, Lesson 4, & Devotional
History: Mystery of History: Stonehenge
Science: Rube Goldberg planning
English/Literature: Tom Sawyer study guide, and lap book.

Math: 8 D&E and 9 A-grading and corrections

Friday, February 4, 2011

There is No Chaos Like Snow Chaos !

The Feb. 1st blizzard drifted snow above the bottom of the window
I can not believe how much this snow has thrown us off schedule.  There is something about knowing that the world outside is out of order that throws the household out of order as well.  I am thinking that, in the future, I should keep the external chaos to myself and just keep the kids plugging away as scheduled.  The up side is that laundry is now caught up and the kids have been playing well with minimal sibling rivalry.  The goal today is to get school done early enough to clean rooms and play outside in the snow.

Summary of School Work:
Bible: It All Begins With Genesis-Continue breaking down Genesis 1/Inductive Reasoning & Devotional
History: Mystery of History through: Abraham & Ur
Vocab: Tom Sawyer Lap Book words
Science: Rube Goldberg planning
English/Literature: Tom Sawyer puzzles, study guide-4 more pages, and original cover art for lap book.
Math: grading and corrections