Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Putting it on the Line

It has been a while since I made a post (as if anyone actually follows this or cares).  Blogging about the monotonous nature of homeschooling or as a way to keep records was too insignificant.  In the past months I have been searching for purpose, redefinition of reasons for homeschool, determination of Biblical guidance, promise/desire of God for us to be homeschooling, and appropriate materials to meet the educational needs of the children in all areas of study including the use of classes at our homeschooling school or public school (I know...seems like a contradiction). 

I hope to soon be able to share how God has used *this situation for us to continue homeschooling at a level higher than I even imagined. I also pray that as I blog on homeschooling that I can bring hope, encouragement, and ideas to other moms in how to deal with our SEEMINGLY insignificant duties.  The reality of the situation is that we are doing very significant things in the development of future generations.  We are the building blocks for future productive members of society.  What is required for us to "measure up"?

*this situation-to be shared (or not shared) at a later time as God will determine